Here are the numbers 1-10:
1. uno
2. dos
3. tres
4. cuatro
5. cinco
6. seis
7. siete
8. ocho
9. nueve
10. diez
The number "one" changes from "uno" to "un" before a masculine noun.
- un libro
- one book
- un perro
- one dog (male)
The number "one" changes from "uno" to "una" before a feminine noun.
- una pluma
- one pen
- una perra
- one dog (female)
When counting generically (one, two, three ...) use "uno" but when counting specifically (one cat, one dog), use "un" or "una."
- un libro
- one book
- una pluma
- one pen
- uno, dos, tres
- one, two, three